From October 5 - 7, parts2clean 2021 took place in Stuttgart, Germany and was a complete success! For three days, over 2000 visitors were able to find out about the latest innovations from 130 exhibitors on the subject of "industrial cleaning technology". The main topics in this year were "Cleaning for medical and pharmaceutical production" and "Challenges with filmic contamination".
This year, the Business Area Cleaning of Fraunhofer was represented at parts2clean by a total of six members (Fraunhofer FEP, Fraunhofer IPA, Fraunhofer IGB, Fraunhofer IVV, Fraunhofer IPK, Fraunhofer IPM). The following topics were presented:
Fraunhofer FEP
- Future Cluster Innovative Vocational Training (CLOU)
- Market and trend analysis in industrial parts cleaning 2020
- Surface functionalization for hygiene applications
Fraunhofer IPA
- Component cleanliness analysis with CO2 snow
- Chemical residue analysis
Fraunhofer IGB
Fraunhofer IVV
- Digitalization solutions for Industry 4.0
- Simulation software for virtual construction and design of cleaning processes
- AI-supported image processing for industrial processes
- AI in cleaning new possibilities for automation
Fraunhofer IPM
A highlight of the trade show was, of course, the expert forum with over 40 speakers, whose topics ranged from the basics of industrial cleaning processes and analytics to automation and digitization. During the three days of the fair, the forum attracted 1000 visitors on site and 1500 virtual guests.
Click here for the After-Show report of the Deutsche Messe.
We are already looking forward to see you at the next parts2clean (October 11-13, 2022)!